Bioheat® Fuel Is a Safe, Environmentally Responsible Way to Heat Your Home

- 3:00 pm - February 26th, 2021

When it comes to heating your home, you want what’s best for you and your family – especially when it comes to safety! That’s why we only use Bioheat® Fuel, a safe, environmentally responsible and domestically produced heating oil for your home or business. We’ll cover the safety benefits of using Bioheat® Fuel and why it’s your best choice.


What Is Bioheat® Fuel?

Bioheat® Fuel is a special blend of biodiesel and Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil (ULSHO). Bioheat® blends range from 5% biodiesel (called B5), all the way up to 20% biodiesel (called B20) and beyond. We provide our customers with B20, which is currently the highest blend available in the New Haven area.

Because Bioheat® is made, in part, with renewable plant oils, it emits far less carbon than traditional heating oil. What’s even better, is that Bioheat® Fuel can be used in your existing heating system – no new components needed! And because it burns cleaner, Bioheat® heating oil is better for your heating equipment.


Is It Safe?

Yes! Bioheat® Fuel has a remarkable safety record. It is not explosive, and the fumes it produces are non-toxic. In the event that your system has a malfunction, it will give off smoke, odors or even soot before it releases dangerous levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO). Other systems, like natural gas, don’t provide any warning of CO production or release. Bioheat® Fuel must be heated to 140°F in order to ignite; natural gas, on the other hand, is highly explosive when confined in a small space. This makes Bioheat® Fuel the safest choice when heating your home.


How Reliable Is Bioheat® Fuel?

You’ll be happy to know that Bioheat® Fuel is one of the most reliable home heating fuels available. Because Bioheat® Fuel is a blend of biodiesel and ULSHO, it actively cleans your system and extends the life of each component. Where traditional heating oil will leave soot and residue, Bioheat® Fuel disperses sediment buildup and inhibits corrosion so your heating system will last longer and work more efficiently and reliably.


Bioheat® Is the Best Choice

Bioheat® Fuel is revolutionizing the home heating industry by providing a safe, reliable and environmentally friendly fuel for your home or business. You can feel confident your family will be warm, comfortable and safe.

If you’re interested in learning more about Bioheat® Fuel and our home heating system services, visit our website.

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